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Letters from Albatross

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Letters from Albatross

Ντοκιμαντέρ/Documentary, Ην. Βασίλειο/UK, 1995, 21 ́ Ψηφιακό αρχείο/Digital file, Έγχρ./color, Με ήχο/sound

Shot in Feltham, in a juvenile prison in the outskirts of London, the film observes the friendship of two inmates. Paul and John spend their days recording songs that are then sent to girls they don’t know, creating an imaginary thread with the outside world. The documentary follows the approach of the “cinema of observation”, that is long-lasting observation, loose narrative and absence of any directional intervention during shooting.

Σκηνοθεσία – Φωτογραφία/Direction – Cinematography: Εύα Στεφανή
Ήχος/ Sound: Laurentiou Calciou
Μοντάζ/ Editing: Sorren Ebbe
Παραγωγή/ Production The National Film & TV School
Πηγή κόπιας/Print source: Εύα Στεφανή

*Screening along with: “Athene”, “The kiss” and “Visiting E.C. Gonatas”


* Suitable for English speaking audience



The 10th Athens Avant-Garde Film Festival is carried out in the context of “Cinephilia in the New Age II” which is funded by the European Union — European Regional Development Fund (Operational Programme ROP ATTIKI of NSRF 2014-2020). All actions are carried out under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports.