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Home  /  Florent Marcie Tribute  /  Saïa


Documentary/Ντοκιμαντέρ, France/Γαλλία, 2000, 29 ́ DV CAM, Έγχρ./Color, Με ήχο/Sound

The front, at night, in Afghanistan. A line of land, water, air and fire. The moon reveals marching shadows, weapons on the move. The spirit of the dead is there, watching this indescribable beauty. The enemy, infinitely close, provokes his opponent by insulting him.

Σκηνοθεσία/Direction: Florent Marcie
Φωτογραφία/Cinematography: Florent Marcie
Μοντάζ/Editing: Florent Marcie
Παραγωγή/Production Florent Marcie/ No Man’s land
Πηγή κόπιας/Print source: Florent Marcie

*Screening along with the film “The kiosk and the war”

A Masterclass from Florent Marcier precedes the screenings at 15:30 – 17:00


* Suitable for English speaking audience

The 10th Athens Avant-Garde Film Festival is carried out in the context of “Cinephilia in the New Age II” which is funded by the European Union — European Regional Development Fund (Operational Programme ROP ATTIKI of NSRF 2014-2020). All actions are carried out under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports.