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The box

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The box

Ντοκιμαντέρ/Documentary, Ελλάδα/Greece, 2004, 11 ́ Ψηφιακό αρχείο/Digital file, Έγχρ./Color, Με ήχο/Sound

An old lady is combing her hair before the 8-o’clock news, so as to meet her beloved news-presenter. She feels the screen, talks sweet words to her beloved and at the end she wishes him goodnight.

Σκηνοθεσία-Φωτογραφία/Direction- Cinematography: Εύα Στεφανή
Μοντάζ/Editing: Άλεξ Σαμψωνίδης & Τάκης Γοργορίνης
Παραγωγή/ Production: Εύα Στεφανή
Πηγή κόπιας/Print source: Εύα Στεφανή

*Screening along with: “Roomates” and “What time is it??”

Presentation from the director

A Masterclass from Eva Stefani precedes the screenings at 15:30 


* Suitable for English speaking audience


The 10th Athens Avant-Garde Film Festival is carried out in the context of “Cinephilia in the New Age II” which is funded by the European Union — European Regional Development Fund (Operational Programme ROP ATTIKI of NSRF 2014-2020). All actions are carried out under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports.