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What time is it?

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What time is it?

Πειραματικό/Experimental, Ελλάδα/Greece, 2007, 26 ́ Ψηφιακό αρχείο/Digital file, Έγχρ./Color, Με ήχο/Sound

The friendship of two men over a 4-year span. Christos and Helias live at times together and at times separately, at times they work and at times they don’t. At the same time they quarrel, they make it up. They can’t agree whether the clock says 5 or 6 o’clock, or whether the glass is full of coca-cola or wine. A film on the paradox of love and time.

Σκηνοθεσία-Φωτογραφία/Direction- Cinematography: Εύα Στεφανή
Μοντάζ/Editing: Άλεξ Σαμψωνίδης & Τάκης Γοργορίνης
Ήχος/ Sound: Νίκος Ζωιόπουλος
Πηγή κόπιας/Print source: Εύα Στεφανή

*Screening along with: “Roomates” and “The box”

Presentation from the director

A Masterclass from Eva Stefani precedes the screenings at 15:30 


* Suitable for English speaking audience

The 10th Athens Avant-Garde Film Festival is carried out in the context of “Cinephilia in the New Age II” which is funded by the European Union — European Regional Development Fund (Operational Programme ROP ATTIKI of NSRF 2014-2020). All actions are carried out under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports.